Theory of the momento


Lots of info all over the web and my frenimy Pinterest on detoxing and I personally love reading it because they’re like cheats to losing weight without moving…sort of…and don’t we all love that! Lately hubby has been complaining about my caffeine consumption as our Starbucks balance declines and I’ve been trying to justify it. So this is my thought, with no scientific research to support and only what’s left of my grade 12 Biology knowledge…caffeine as a detox! Ta-da!

How you ask – well caffeine is a mild diuretic which is why it makes you want to pee so much after so dehydrates you a little. Now, if I drink coffee, followed by drinking lots of water then essentially the caffeine draws out all the bad stuff in my cells and then water comes in to flush it all out, right? But then, you’ll probably go from peeing every 15 mins to peeing every 5 mins..but that’s detoxing for me!

May 27th Edit: In case you need more deets :)

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